Sunday, July 10, 2011

Check Yo Self Before You Audit Yo Self

We've recently had one of those "when it rains, it pours" kind of weeks. And when I say "when it rains," I mean "everything breaks." And when I say, "it pours," I mean "all at one time." Our home is wonderful, it's just a few home improvements we're needing to make.

Our house seems to have a little raincloud above it (and no I don't mean literally as I'm pretty sure it's been 100+ degrees with no rain for the past month) and Greg and I have been total Eeyores.

Yes, that Eeyore. (What other Eeyore is there?)

As I've mentioned before, we've had a number of house issues recently. The main one being our A/C unit that is just not cooling our house, so we had some work done but we're not seeing a difference at all.

But the purpose of this blog post is not to complain. We actually did stumble across that I thought was worth sharing.

Our energy company actually offers free energy audits for your home. Ya, fo free.

Now when I think of auditor, of course my mind immediately jumps to my hubby. While he's a different kind of auditor, I always picture him in a large room filled with cigar smoke sitting around a table of people wearing a green visor. Pretty awesome, right?

But I digress.

So, when I found out our energy company offers free energy audits, I signed us right up. Since the hubby was playing house-husband all week (vacation), he met with the energy auditors. They basically go inspect your house and give you tips for how you can save money on your electricity bill, things that need work and they gave us a whole box of 12 energy-efficient light bulbs! All in all, our house is pretty energy efficient (not sure how with a screwed up A/C unit), but they also gave us some good ideas.

I actually think that most energy companies offer free audits so it's definitely worth checking out if you own/rent a home!

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