Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Big 2 {Gulp} 7

So, remember when you turned 22 and you felt, ugh, so OLD?! Being in college, 22 was ancient. But then you enter the workforce and you're suddenly the youngest one. You're hip, you're stylish, you're cool, you're young (but in a good way). Then, five years past (*tear) and you're suddenly in this weird place where you're not super-young, but not super-old. You still enthusiastically sing along to songs like "So Call Me Maybe" but the idea of going out to the bars is absolutely exhausting. Well that's where I am right now. Twenty-freakin-seven.

So nothing crazy or new to report that I didn't address in last year's birthday post. For my birthday weekend, the hubby was out of town for his brother's bachelor party. I'm still waiting on my "Wife of the Year" award to be delivered. ;-) So, it was a rather quiet weekend. Friday, I picked up some sushi and stayed in to catch up on my DVR. I also finally put my house back together after the baby shower (I mean, as cute as those tissue poufs were, it seemed a bit extreme for everyday dining)

Saturday, I got my hair-did (it was time to go "summer blonde"), laid out by the pool with a few of my besties and later took myself shopping.
I got myself some new items (well, actually it was really a group effort thanks to money and gift cards from my parents/in-laws/grandma) - new shoes and some beach stuff to prepare for our upcoming Key West trip (or Summer Fridays at the pool - either way).

Once the hubby got back in town on Sunday, we went and picked out my birthday present and took me to dinner. He treated me (I mean, how much do you really treat someone if you have a joint checking account, but still!) to a new pair of sunglasses and some new make-up.

Oh, I also FINALLY finished the Harry Potter series *sob* so was looking for *sob* a new book and, ummmmm, *bow-chicka-wow-wow* I picked up this little guy:

Oh get off your high horse and stop judging. Or judge me. Whatever. I'm kind of judging myself.

So overall, nothing too wild to report for the birthday. Although, I did discover the most fantastically wonderful mixed drink over the weekend. Will share soon.

Have a wonderful week!

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