Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Every once in a while, something comes along and it's like, wow, was this made for me? Like my fave condiment in the world - ketchup - or the movie Elf ("I'm SINGING. I'm in a store and I'M SINGING!") or my husband (cue the "awwwww") or - well you get the picture.

Recently I've come across a few items that when I saw him I had the similar ketchup/Elf/husband (editor's note: though not necessarily in that order) feeling.

1. I love me some potato chips and I also love bows. Bows on shirts, bows on headbands, bows on purses, you name it. Bows on... chip clips? Yes. Yes!

2. I love the eff word. I've told you this before, so when I came across this next item, I literally busted out loud at the thought of being able to place these labels in random places, on signs, etc.

3. And then I came across this magnet and I'm not sure anything describes me more.

(Side note: when the hubby and I were in college and dating, he took me on camping trips twice - once for a concert weekend and once on a float trip. I cried and he took me home early. Um, both times.)

And then what with all the celebrating I've been doing lately (weddings, babies, etc.), I've come across a couple of gift items that I just might need to buy.

For the mommy-to-be:
I know I'm not a Mom, but I think this is hilarious.

For the bride-to-be:
Um, enough said.

For the friend that's always late (ahem, you know who you are):

Looks like my gift list is taken care of! Happy Tuesday!

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