Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Adventures in Baby Registering

Several weeks back, the hubby and I took off on a random Friday to spend the day together and knock out our baby registry. A few people scoffed at the idea that we could knock it all out in one day, but let me tell you, we were quite prepared. In the weeks prior, I had done my research (online, consumer reports, asking friends for recommendations) on baby products, so equipped with my list (a pretty detailed spreadsheet, which my accounting hubby enthusiastically approved of), we set off for Target and later, Buy Buy Baby.

Why did we register at Target? Um, well for one thing, it's maybe one of my favorite stores. And two, it's an easy, non-intimidating store for friends without babies to shop in. One of my non-Mommy friends swears she had a panic attack inside the baby humidifier section at Buy Buy Baby... and no one wants that, right?! I didn't understand her until I turned to go in that section and got hit with a weird-smelling steam. (Needless to say, Baby Benson is going sans a humidifier...) But Buy Buy Baby was where we really got down to business with the larger items and other items that Target didn't carry in-stores.

The list helped us be adequately prepared, but Greg still got to make important decisions like hooded bath towels - monkey or frog? Monkey, great. Swaddlers - blue print or animals? Blue print, check. He did, however, politely bow out when it came to things like breastfeeding accessories, understandably.

We still have a few outstanding questions such as "to jogging stroller or not to jogging stroller" and if the answer is the former, do you go high-end or low-end since it's a back-up stroller? We're still figuring that out, but overall, the list served us well.

Best part of the shopping experience? Um, duh. VIP parking...

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